


Security Redefined Event


It was organized and delivered with great success workshop for the new integration platforms of Access Control and CCTV Systems, Cyber ​​Security and the newly implemented law GDPR

S.P. Securiton Alarm Systems Ltd, operating in the field of Security Systems, in association with the world-class security systems manufacturer Honeywell, organized a workshop in Hilton Nicosia where the new integration platforms for Access Control Systems and CCTV were presented. The workshop also focused on how to protect the Systems and the data exposed on the Internet by Cyber-attacks and the measures taken by Honeywell and Securiton to fully comply with the GDPR law.

The workshop was hosted on Friday, May 11, attended by consultants, and electromechanical contractors as well as the managers of high security installations in the public and private sectors.

Due to technological advances in the field of security, where new products and applications have been impregnated by artificial intelligence, the Company has held the 'Security Redefined' conference with the aim of updating the above for new system technologies that help to prevent and act directly with incidents of violation of all types of facilities, even the most secure areas.

The company, S.P. Securiton Alarm Systems Ltd, the pioneer in designing and installing security systems whose applications operate with artificial intelligence, made it clear that the prevention of all forms of violation is now feasible through new technologies that mark the era of High Security. It has also been mentioned that new systems can replace security guards, saving huge amounts to various organizations.

The conference was presented by Honeywell’s executives directors who shared with attendees their knowledge, experience and expertise in Security

Finally, Securiton's General Manager, Panicos Statiotis , conveyed the message that a dynamic combination of expertise and technologically intelligent applications can achieve the design and deployment of integrated systems that will work towards prevention and will guarantee the safety of citizens and also the most specially designed facilities.